Putting Humility in Perspective
The greatest hope is in forgiveness of ourselves and others so that you can see the way forward to Living Above Disorder.
One of the reasons I love consulting is the conversations I get to have that broaden my perspective and challenge me to go deeper as I accompany others in their growth journey. (Yes, your [insert title here] can benefit from their interactions with you! It is a relationship, after all.)
The Conversation Starter
A client and I went on a tangent during our discussions into a profound learning they experienced through a personal focus on humility and adding value. To put this in context, we questioned: how can you stay grounded and humble when there is so much pressure to compete, stay relevant, and build wealth? How can you engage purpose and add to others when your attention is constantly being pulled to the next best thing, to be the next star? How can there be gratitude when there is so much uncertainty?
Here is what she shared:
“We are all disposable. We live and we are going to die without taking it with us. There is freedom in knowing that things and roles are impermanent. They are going to change, you can be replaced, anything can happen. So instead I have begun to focus on adding value and now I am so much more at peace. I ask myself: What am I bringing to the table to enrich someone else's life? How am I sharing knowledge? How do I grow someone else whose permanent situation is going to be affected by my actions?”
Whew! That's deep…and an increasingly rare viewpoint in the times that we are living in.
So, let’s talk about it.
“Knowing how you want to be remembered and working to establish this memory in everything you do will empower achievement for the right reasons, keep your purpose clear, make you visible and respected, and allow you to see the pathways presented by contentment at each stage. ”
I realized that this was a conversation about humility, gratitude, and legacy.
Tying your perception of self to titles, roles, status, and wealth creates such friction and frustration. Yet, it is understandable because our society places importance on these as indicators of value. More importantly, the desire is not unwarranted! Money and power are the consequences of these focal areas, and that is needed to maintain a comfortable life. However, when this is where your affection and focus lies, you are always in competition mode. Logically, this can lead to high anxiety and stress, behavior change, deep resentment of others, bitterness, covetousness and unethical decision making, and an inability to thrive. Why? Because your vision is bound by the trappings of lust and fear. Now, here's the thing, I'm not saying to stop achieving and seeking success for yourself and your family! Rather, center your priorities on eternal outcomes that benefit the whole. Here’s how:
Be grateful and extend grace: Life is challenging! Some have it harder than others but when you consider how far you've come and the achievements you've attained, it is important to say thank you; to those who support you, the ones who hate on you, the ones who you've rejected, and the ones who you've embraced. It doesn't matter what color, culture, or religion. Gratitude will get you to the next level up and help you to extend grace to those who need it.
Stay humble: Regardless of what you have attained in life, there is always a place to grow and improve even as you continue to succeed. Humility doesn't mean submission or inferiority to others, though. It does not mean accepting being treated differently, talked down to, or being marginalized due to the false beliefs or unlearned perceptions of others. Instead, it means pursuing with gusto the changes you want to see in your life in a modest, honest, and principled manner; and sharing with others as you grow with an eye towards positive, inclusive connections across the board.
Establish a legacy: Legacy looks different to everybody. Some value the legacy of wealth and achievement, others who they’ve helped and the relationships they’ve maintained. Knowing how you want to be remembered and working to establish this memory in everything you do will empower achievement for the right reasons, keep your purpose clear, make you visible and respected, and allow you to see the pathways presented by contentment at each stage.
No matter how you choose to rest and celebrate this holiday, I hope you enjoy it. Happy Thanksgiving from LAD Consulting!
Reflect and engage: What frustrations are blinding you to opportunity or creating tension in your journey? How can you shift your perspective to recognize the value you can add in the present while remaining patient for the hope in change?
#liveabovedisorder #coachingreflections #5minuteCoach #lifecoaching #leadershiplessons
#Holisticperspective #change #appreciation
Edited November 16, 2024